The last time Betty Hinton got noticed by the national media it was in Maclean's magazine, in an article about how she claimed to be in Cabinet (she isn't). Now, the Globe and Mail mentions her ... for failing to keep a promise.
Joyce Carter is an 80-year-old widow who is demanding that Harper's Conservatives extend the Veterans Independence Program (VIP), a home-care system, to all widows of World War II and Korean war veterans. She is not doing this for herself -- she already receives the VIP, but widows whose husbands died before 1981 do not.
In June 2005, Harper's office as leader of the opposition wrote to Carter and told her a Conservative government would "immediately" extend the VIP to all the widows. It still has not happened.
Where does Betty come in? When she was veterans affairs critic, she also wrote to Carter and said:
"You may be interested to know that this was adopted as part of the Conservative Party of Canada's policy last March at our convention .... you are preaching to the converted. Unfortunately, until the Conservative Party forms the government, I am unable you change the regulations to extend VIP benefits to all veterans' widows."
Carter says two federal budgets later it hasn't happened yet. Betty's office directed calls to the veterans affairs department.
Cited article by Gloria Galloway
Published April 19, 2007
© Copyright 2007 CTVglobemedia Publishing Inc.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
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she's done more for veterans than the scum that run this blog
What this clearly shows is a minority government rational fear of "brown envelope carrying bureaucrats". I wonder how Mr. Martin and Chretien responded (or if she asked) this not relevent?
It is because of bias like this at CBC/G&M/Toronto Star that Conservatives are reluctant to engage the media. When the only questions they ever get are of the "have you stopped beating your wife" variety.
I could spend the rest of the day citing poor journalistic examples from those three sources, but will leave one example. In the last couple of days stories have appeared in all three outlets saying SSRIs are safer for children than not taking them and quoting US National Institutes of mental Health and the "Johnson Foundation". USNIMH is completely controled and finaced by the drug industry and the Johnson Foundation is endowed by the founder of Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceuticals...solid stuff eh?
Governing in a minority is a challenge and not every squeeky wheel will get grease (unless like Mr. Dithers everything is a "priority").
Ask Al Trotter about Mrs. Hinton's commitment to veterans.
Lets itemize all the things the NDP has done for veterans:
This assignment is a little tough.
Fascinating that the conservative right-wing is so incensed by this blog that they have to post silly comments such as these in reply to the observations.
Let's face facts. The Conservatives have now had the opportunity of two budgets to set a new course and live up their their opposition-era promises. Two budgets! What the Liberals did nor didn't do is irrelevant at this point. The conservatives, and Betty Hinton, have had all kinds of opportunity to redress perceived wrongs, and they haven't done a thing. What the NDP thinks is even more irrelevant.
This is about whether the Tory's have, or haven't delivered. They haven't. Stephen Harper hasn't. Betty Hinton hasn't. And they aren't going to anytime soon.
ha ha
2 whole budgets?
Wow...compared to how many years of Liberal rule?
2 whole budgets during minority rule?
You'd be hilarious if we knew you werent pulling our leg!
Iggie and Dion....what a team....they speak as knowledgebly about the softwood lumbar deal and pine beetles as a hog can speak on the subject of mathematics.
the conservatives arent incensed by this blog....its given them their best platform in years!!!!
As Mel pointed out, the Liberal party organizers (or back room boys) have fallen flat on their behinds as they lost a brilliant chance to have Patch steal a pile of votes from the Conservatives....but hey, anyone can screw up.
Perhaps Betty Hinton did not think Joyce Carter would live long enough to remind her of the promise once made...
Well apart from the mean spirit in which the last comment was delivered, and given that it is probably worthy of a defamation suit, it is unlikely that any political party has ever been able to keep all of their promises or deliver on every policy adopted at national conventions....after what did the liberals do to implement KYOTO? The problem is that most political dialogue is simply name calling and carries no more signifigance than wolves howling at the moon
The NDP voted to keep the conservatives in power and not get out of Afghanistan by 2009...they have no credibility
lets do something relevant:
who is richer:
Please state your position and your reasons
Why dont the people that run this blog play fair and mention also the stories just days before, in the national media regarding the little girl, Bethany Dafoe, who almost lost her Make A Wish trip to Disney until the Kamloops office stepped in and got the passports for her and her family.
Obviously, non of the deformed, CRAP,
Alliance, Conservative Allance,and Conservative members wallowing around
and frothing at the mouth with fear that Betty will be punted come the next election never read the original comments that started this exersize in the first place. Nothing was said by them about the people that are in need of assistance. All they care about is their own sorry butts and blaming everyone but their own sad assed
MLA and Stevie the Hun.
Goodbye Betty goodbye! You poor creatures, it will all be over soon.
not according to the polls, my dear friend
Marchand shouldnt be so quick to criticize Crawford....Crawford only speaks the truth when he points out how Patch would have been a problem but!!!
Patch had integrity, intelligence and experience...the Liberals blew it.
Actually, Patch blew it. He had his chance to state his views and provide some insight into how he would handle significant and important issues that actually matter. He spent his time instead talking about how many "conservatives" he could pull over. Sommerfeld actually talked about what his values are - and this election, particularly in this riding, will be all about values. Social values, environmental values, ethical values.
It is interesting to note that not one of the conservative monster-shouter commenters on this blog have addressed the basic core issue of the above article. Ms. Hinton PROMISED something - she said "you're preaching to the converted," and then failed to act. She's promised a LOT of things of real importance to this community, from airport funding to advocacy for the pine beetle, to standing up for the rights of individual constituents and respecting human rights issues. She's failed EVERY SINGLE ONE of these key value issues.
This is an MP who sends out unbelievably biased "surveys" with loaded statements, collects the few that trickle in, then stands up in the house of commons and declares the surveys represent the entirety of her constituency, and votes accordingly. Why can't she run a REAL survey? A SCIENTIFIC survey? A genuine, GRASSROOTS survey? It's because the results would never conform to her narrow, extremist point of view.
And so we have an MP who stands up in the Commons as our representative, and shouts out that same-sex marriage is an intellectual property issue! We have an MP who believes that the only ones who deserve to get married are god-fearing christians in churches. Don't you dare be any other religion in Kamloops - Ms. Hinton doesn't represent you, and certainly doesn't think you should be getting MARRIED. Don't believe me? Read for yourself. And she's so proud of her stance.
So she "made a wish come true" which is a noble and honourable thing to do, and we salute her for it. But my god - is that what we elected her to do? Is that what we pay her for? I thought we elected her to stand up and advocate for our rights, to represent us broadly as a constituency, and and make sure our voice is heard on the national scene. Not send kids to disneyland as her primary job.
"Trust me," she says to City council, days before yet again, not delivering. Well, I'm through trusting her. She doesn't represent my voice, she doesn't represent this riding, and she sure as hell doesn't represent my values.
Listen numbnuts, if you dont understand the warmth and kindness of sending a sick child to Disneyland, you dont understand anything!
Good thing Betty doesnt represent you or we wouldnt keep re-electing her.
Analyzing your writing style clearly shows you have unsatisfied urges to be an elected are probably young, have written a few letters to the editor, made yourself known as a Liberal leader. Good work..and best of all, you have a remarkable gift for loving to listening to yourself make long stupid speeched, even if they are only in cyberspace in print.
Congratulations, you are a certified moron.
PS....If you ran against Patch, he'd kick your ass too.
Betty Hinton has spent her life in public mayor, school trustee, MP and many other less public positions.
Even Crawford was a member of Council of Canadians and has devoted many hours to social improvement.
Sommerfeld?...he jumps out of airplanes and
Patch didnt blow it...the back room boys that run the Liberal party blew it, just as Mel said.
Hinton never advocated for the pine far as I know, no one has spoken up for the pine beetle. We should be concerned because pretty soon all their food will be gone and they will starve.
It will be insecticide on a massive scale. A horror.
The most acurate survey in the world is called an "election".
Betty Hinton has won 3 in 5 years. No other politician in Kamloops history has won so many in so short a time. Look it up.
Liberals are doing great...they even beat the Green party that spent about $5 last time. Liberals and Losers both start with "L".....coincidence?...NOT!!!
Patch, like Trudeau, could have revived the Liberal fortunes. Now we have to wait until Sommerfeld is defeated and Dion is defeated. All we can hope for is an early election.
The NDP voted to leave Afghanistan right now...wonder if the little girls that finally got to go to school will be happy as their Canadian protectors leave and the Taliban moves back in?
Hard times at Afghan schools
KABUL - At least 85 students and teachers were killed last year in attacks blamed on insurgents who oppose education for girls and teaching boys anything other than religion, Afghanistan's education minister said Sunday. Insurgents also burned down 187 schools, while 350 closed because of security concerns, Education Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar said. (AP)
PREVIOUS: Torture is a fact of life in war-torn Afghanistan Taleban uses boy to behead 'spy'
RELATED: Afghanistan: Population 32M - Life expectancy: 44 years - GDP (PPP) $800
Canada: Population 33M - Life expectancy: 80 years
As if the Liberals and NDP dont look stupid enough, now they are after the captain of the national hockey team...for something he has been cleared of!!!!
They need someone like Patch to tell them these are not popular things to do in Kamloops
Can we rename this the Patch IN Sommerfeld OUT BLOG?
Interior Health is continuing legal action against a seniors’ care critic who secretly shot video of her dying father at Overlander Extended Care Hospital.
Publication of a seven-minute web video, taken from a camera hidden inside a teddy bear above the bed of Judy Sellin’s father, was banned by a court-ordered injunction upheld late in 2005.
Despite that successful publication ban, IHA is pursuing a two-week trial in B.C. Supreme Court in Kamloops in April next year.
“It’s David versus Goliath,” said Judy Sellin in a telephone interview from Edmonton, where she is residing temporarily to seek medical care.
“I’ve not even been able to finish paying for the plot where my father is buried or put a headstone on his grave.”
Sellin and her son, Reece, installed the camera above Stephen Piccolo’s bed at Overlander hospital. From hours of tape, they published a seven-minute video on the internet.
A court-ordered ban sought by IHA and upheld in B.C. Supreme Court forbids publishing the video or describing its contents.
An IHA senior manager confirmed the agency is pursuing its civil action of defamation and breach of privacy against Judy and Reece Sellin.
“I think it’s (ban) only temporary, which means it can change at any time,” said Andrew Neuner, chief operating officer for the Thompson-Caribou region of the IHA.
“It’s part of the normal process so the injunction is permanent or it gets removed.”
But Sellin’s lawyer called pursuit of his client questionable use of health care dollars.
“If IHA didn’t do anything further, the injunction would remain indefinitely and the seven-minute video wouldn’t be published,” said Kamloops lawyer John Drayton.
Neuner said he could not estimate the health authority’s legal bills to pursue the action through a two-week trial.
“You’ve got to wonder about the financial prudence,” Drayton said, questioning Sellin’s ability to pay any damages that may be awarded.
“What more do they have to gain? What are their chances of gaining more? And what is the cost to the taxpayers of doing that?”
Drayton is representing Sellin pro bono, or without compensation.
The court ordered in December 2005 that she cannot publish any of the 240 hours of video without masking identity of employees depicted. IHA must agree the masking is sufficient.
Sellin said her advocacy for seniors and court action have taken a toll on her health. She is under treatment for a thyroid condition and high blood pressure. She is reliant on financial support of friends and family for living expenses.
Her efforts as the head of the Elderly Liberation Movement Society of B.C. (ELMS) have fallen away and she has made no effort to publish any more video.
Its not the Federal Liberals, its the Provincial Liberals in charge of IHA
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